Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Laura Evans, MA, CIP, Executive Director, Johns Hopkins University, Homewood IRB, Conflict of Interest, and Commitment Office. Laura has spent the last 17+ years in the field of human research protections, including IRB Coordinator, Senior Consent Form Specialist, IRB Analyst, IRB Director, and currently as Executive Director. Laura manages JHU's Homewood IRB responsible for reviewing social, behavioral, and educational research (SBER) from six different schools/divisions of the University. In addition, Laura supervises compliance with the University's Conflict of Interest and Commitment polices for two schools/divisions under the University umbrella. Areas of expertise include HSR, conflict of interest and commitment, regulatory oversight and compliance, and institutional policy in higher education.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET