Huron Consulting Group, IL
Carol Pech, PhD is a senior associate wtih Huron Consluting Group. Prior to joining Huron, Carol was the Associate Director for the Reliance and Navigation Program at the University of Wisconsin. In this position, Carol was responsible for developing the reliance program and implementing efficient workflows for reliance agreements.. Prior to serving in this role, Carol was the Associate Director for the Health Sciences IRB Office at the University of Wisconsin and was the lead business analyt for implementation of the Huron IRB Solution. During her time at the Johns Hopkins University, Carol was the Interim Director for the Homewood (social-behavioral) IRB. She also was the Associate Director for Research in the School of Engineering, including devolompemnt and management of a coflict of interest committee as well as helping oversee the school’s technology transfer portfolio.
Monday, December 4, 2023
12:15 PM – 1:00 PM ET