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  • Sunday, Dec 3rd
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM ET
    A03 - [IN-PERSON ONLY] Privacy on Display: What Kind of Private Information Is Open to the Public and How Does That Make Sense?
    Location: Room 152A
    Speaker: Mary Hanabury, PhDc, CIP (she/her/hers) – Northern Arizona University
    Speaker: Gencie Turner, PhD, CIP – OHRPP, University of California, Los Angeles
    Speaker: Rachel A. Wenzl, MPH, CIP – Research Compliance Services, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
    Resource Person: Ivor A. Pritchard, PhD (he/him/his) – Office for Human Research Protections, U.S.DHHS
    Informed ConsentResearch Conducted in the Digital WorldSBERLegal Considerations in Research Oversight
  • Sunday, Dec 3rd
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET
    B06 - [ON-DEMAND] Virtual Reality (VR) Bites: Practical Considerations for Researchers and IRBs for Research in the VR Space
    Presenter: Paul G. Hart, JD, MA, CIP (he/him/his) – Tufts University SBER IRB
    Presenter: Melissa McGee, J.D. (she/her/hers) – University of New Hampshire
    Emerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesResearch Conducted in the Digital WorldSBER
  • Sunday, Dec 3rd
    1:45 PM – 3:00 PM ET
    [IN-PERSON/LIVESTREAMED] Plenary Session: Navigating Tomorrow‐‐Ethical Implications in the Age of Emerging Technologies
    Location: Room 146 ABC
    Moderator: Elizabeth A. Buchanan, CIP, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Panelist: Desmond Upton Patton, MSW, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Pennsylvania
    Panelist: Nicholas Proferes, PhD (he/him/his) – Arizona State
    Panelist: Kimberley Serpico, EdD, CIP – Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    Emerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesResearch Conducted in the Digital WorldSBERSmall Research Programs
  • Sunday, Dec 3rd
    3:30 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    C04 - [IN-PERSON ONLY] Plenary Session Follow‐Up: Navigating Tomorrow‐‐Ethical Implications in the Age of EmergingTechnologies
    Location: Room 152A
    Moderator: Elizabeth A. Buchanan, CIP, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Speaker: Desmond Upton Patton, MSW, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Pennsylvania
    Speaker: Nicholas Proferes, PhD (he/him/his) – Arizona State
    Speaker: Kimberley Serpico, EdD, CIP – Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    Emerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesResearch Conducted in the Digital WorldSBER
  • Sunday, Dec 3rd
    3:30 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    C02 - [IN-PERSON/RECORDED] Evaluating the Use of Third Party Sites in Online Research
    Location: Room 152B
    Speaker: Casey Mumaw, MA, CIP (he/him/his) – Indiana University
    Speaker: Laura Odwazny, JD, MA – US DHHS
    SBEREmerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesInformed ConsentLegal Considerations in Research OversightResearch Conducted in the Digital World
  • Monday, Dec 4th
    2:15 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    B08 - [IN-PERSON ONLY] Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Not the Boogey Man: Simplifying the Concept of "Data" in the Context of AI to Enable Knowledge and Know‐How in Review
    Location: Room 202 AB
    Moderator: Donnella S. Comeau, MD, PhD (she/her/hers) – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    Speaker: Tamiko Eto, CIP (she/her/hers) – The Mayo Clinic
    Speaker: Tamra T. Moore (she/her/hers) – Prudential Financial
    Speaker: Stephen J. Rosenfeld, MD, MBA – North star Review Board
    Research Conducted in the Digital WorldCommunication With the PublicFlexibility and Innovation in Research Oversight Processes
  • Monday, Dec 4th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM ET
    C12 - [IN-PERSON ONLY] IRB Review of Technology Used for Virtual and Virtual/Remote Clinical Trials
    Location: Room 201
    Speaker: Barbara E. Bierer, MD – Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center
    Research Conducted in the Digital WorldEmerging Research Challenges and Breaking Issues
  • Tuesday, Dec 5th
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    D11 - [IN-PERSON ONLY] Translating Ethical Principles for the Responsible Use of Emerging Science and Technology Across a Global Pharmaceutical Company
    Location: Room 149 AB
    Speaker: Missy Heidelberg, B.S., M.S. Bioethics (she/her/hers) – Takeda Pharmaceuticals
    Speaker: Lindsay McNair, MD, MPH, MSB (she/her/hers) – Equipoise Consulting, LLC
    Speaker: David H. Strauss, MD – Columbia University
    Speaker: Karla Childers, BA, MSJ, MS (she/her/hers) – Johnson & Johnson
    Pharma/Biotech PerspectivesEmerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesResearch Conducted in the Digital World
  • Tuesday, Dec 5th
    4:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    E02 - [IN-PERSON/RECORDED] Digital Marketing Strategies for Research Participant Recruitment: Ethical Considerations, Efficacy Assessment, and Regulatory Compliance
    Location: Room 146 ABC
    Speaker: Brenda L. Curtis, PhD, MSPH (she/her/hers) – National Institutes of Health
    Speaker: Nalinee D. Patin, CIP (she/her/hers) – Clemson University
    Resource Person: Lisa R. Buchanan, MAOM, CIP (she/her/hers) – DHHS, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
    Research Conducted in the Digital WorldEmerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesSBERHRPP/IRB Administration/Management and Process
  • Wednesday, Dec 6th
    8:30 AM – 9:45 AM ET
    [IN-PERSON/LIVESTREAMED] Plenary Session: Ethical Considerations for Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Subjects Research‐‐Implications for IRB Regulation
    Location: Hall E
    Moderator: Brenda L. Curtis, PhD, MSPH (she/her/hers) – National Institutes of Health
    Panelist: Donnella S. Comeau, MD, PhD (she/her/hers) – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    Panelist: Mark Dredze – Johns Hopkins University
    Panelist: Jack Gallifant, MBBS, MSc – Masschusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    Emerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesInformed ConsentResearch Conducted in the Digital World
  • Wednesday, Dec 6th
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET
    G07 - [IN-PERSON/RECORDED] “Let Me Tell You About This Awesome Clinical Trial!” Exploring the Role of Social Media Influencers in Clinical Trial Recruitment
    Location: Room 143 AB
    Speaker: Amrita Bhowmick, MBA, MPH, EdD – Health Union, LLC
    Speaker: Susanna Sung, LCSW-C (she/her/hers) – National Institute of Mental Health, Intramural Research Program
    Communication With the PublicEmerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesResearch Conducted in the Digital World
  • Wednesday, Dec 6th
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET
    G11 - [IN-PERSON ONLY] Bots as Study Participants: and Online Human Subjects Research
    Location: Room 151 AB
    Speaker: Michele Kuchera, MBA, CIP (she/her/hers) – Fordham University
    Speaker: Myra Luna-Lucero, EdD (she/her/hers) – Teachers College, Columbia University
    Research Conducted in the Digital WorldEmerging Research Challenges and Breaking IssuesSBER